Create Durable, beautiful garments with superior performance with high strength thread quality

Create Durable, beautiful garments with superior performance with high strength thread quality

Tavass manufactures a wide range of threads for industrial use for a wide range of industries. All our products are Azofree and manufactured as per European Rich Norms.

CF Polyester Sewing Thread

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Our Continuous Filament (CF) Polyester Sewing Threads are smooth surface threads, which help in producing neat seam appearance. With a smooth, soft surface compared to conventional sewing threads, it helps lower tension settings, improves stitch balance and gives neater and flatter seams.


Salient Features

01.Low static and dynamic friction

02.Neater and flatter seam

03.Seamless Sew ability

04.Good for wear and tear



Automobile – for car seat cover

Home furnishing

Fashion Accessories – belts and wallets